Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

More miscellaneous, more recent pictures

No, George is not trying to eat the baby!
My sleeping beauties.
As Mommy would say..."I have mittens!"
This was my Grandma Rogels Koala Bear. We were having a nice talk.
This outfit was my Christmas present from Aunt Kelly. Looks pretty good, huh? Rock on!

My First Ohio State Game

Yes, This was Charlie's first Ohio State game, the BCS Championship. Lucky for him he slept through it.

Christmas in Athens

I got to meet my new cousins!

More Christmas...

Ok, so this isn't the best angle, but this is Charlie and his new friend Dylan Shields. The matching outfits was pure coincidence.

Charlie's First Christmas

Monday, January 7, 2008

I know it's been a while and believe me, new pictures are coming. I have a ton on the camera that need to be downloaded and posted. As soon as I get a free minute, I'll get it done!