Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Geneva-On-the-Lake with Mommy, Grandma, Aunt Laura and Aunt Nancy

What, I didn't do anything.

My first time in a BIG pool.
How do you steer this thing?
Hotel beds are COMFY!

Still more random pictures.

I have a book. I decided to do a little light reading on the kitchen floor.
This is what I look like to Daddy when I'm standing hanging on to his pant leg.

I have mastered this walker thing. I love to chase the dogs down the hallway.
This is totally Mommy's fault. Putting me in costumes just for the sake of putting me in costumes.

Even more random pictures.

Daddy thinks this is the cutest picture of me, ever!
Hooray for bath time!
Again with the passing out in the highchair. Won't nap in the crib, but it's go time in the higchair.
My Grandpa teaching me "Pat-A-Cake."
Trying some new stuff. Veggies and pasta. Not too sure about this stuff yet.

Cuyahoga County Fair

Ooooo, animals!
I like goats and goats like me!
Even when I try to pick their nose!

More random pictures.

This was the first time Charlie pulled himself to standing. If you notice how tall he looks, we lowered the mattress immediately afterward.
He's so proud of himself!
Then Grandma and my aunt Nancy got me a walker.
And with mobility comes mischieviousness.
I have a big red spoon!

Random Pictures

Let me see that. I'll....ummmm, fix it.
Charlies' first Biter Biscuit. These things get messy as evidenced above.
Trial run in Charlies' "Big Boy" car seat.
Kisses for Uncle Jeff.
Not sure what he was doing, but he managed to get his arm out of one sleeve.

Fun under my crib!

Ok, so as I was told, Karen set Charlie on the floor while she was doing something in his room, so he decided to scoot himself underneath his crib to see what he could find.

Charlie's first July 4th

Just hangin out waiting for the parade to start.
Yeah, I have USA can be jealous.
Me and Daddy, watchin the parade.
Geez, those parades are tiring. (it took him all of 5 seconds to fall asleep once he was in the car.)
Hangin with Mommy at the Bedford Fireworks. I was really good, I didn't even cry.....Oooo glow stick!

The long awaited return....................

Half naked boy in a highchair...asleep!
Nothing quite like a little monkey tail!
Obviously this is a common occurence!
Mmmmm, that's some good tail!
For the boy who doesn't like to take naps, that highchair sure seems to put him to sleep!